No, not at the master cleanse, but in posting updates. Acutally I pretty much rocked that cleanse. I made it all 10 days without eating anything, which could explain my apathy for writing a blog.
I have been told by three people in less than a week that my life is so random I should keep a blog. Well lucky them, I already do. However, starving myself or not, I'm terrible at updating it. This year I hope to change that. I guess it can be a resolution. My other resolutions include:
- Live simply
- Be less judgemental
- Write more
It's funny how others can hear the stories I tell and the stiuations I get in and think that they are worthy of publication (and by publication, I mean this free service that no one ever reads), while I generally find myself to be quite dull, quite often. But, I'm going to run with this I guess. Stop me if I start sounding self important. Here's a run down of the latest happenings with no detail whatsoever. Perhaps there will be more to come later.
Since last we spoke...I became single.
I quit my job.
I became a nanny.
I was a pea.
I drank out of a bucket and danced with a guy that smelled like my dad.
I had an honest conversation.
I watched my sister get married.
I said goodbye to a friend.
I acquired a roommate.
I kissed a boy... and I liked it (is this joke old yet?).
I missed a boy... and I didn't like it.
I bought a ticket to South Dakota.
Yes you read that correctly, I, Sarah McPrissy Pants, am going to South Dakota. The thought of all that fresh air and cows makes me a little nervous but there's this cute boy out there named Charles that I've gotta go see. In just 16 days I will be ropin' cattle and bustin muttons. Or maybe we'll just take more pictures like this...

(Sorry, I couldn't resist)