Roommate is in Italy (I am beyond jealous), so I have been left to my own devices lately. Tonight I took a break from reading and writing. I've been doing loads of research for a novel I've decided to start. Eek! So, in reward for the ten whole pages I've been able to muster this week, I took the night off and watched Driving Lessons, staring Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) who I now have an unhealthy obsession with. Am I too old for Tiger Beat posters on my bedroom walls? There is a rumor he is attending Colorado University in the fall, I need to investigate this further.
The film was fabulous. Mrs. Weasley (what is her name) also co-stars. It was absolutely what I needed after the gaping whole I've been left with after finishing the last Harry Potter.
I also ate egg plant parmesan and chocolate cake, residuals from my birthday weekend, which was fun but nothing to write home about. Ah the double edge sword of living the life of a recluse, but more on that another day.
I'm ending the night by recapping on my Artist Way activities and painting my nails while listening to this:
Oh, and I'm getting bangs on Friday. This could be a very big mistake. Updates soon.
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1 comment:
I hope you're not too lonely! I tagged you in something in my blog if you fancy doing it!
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