Today is a good day. Much better than yesterday's ranting and ravings. My beautiful and wonderful roommate got us free tickets to see my author crush tonight, Donald Miller. He wrote Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God Knows What, and Blue Like Jazz. He pretty much changed my view on church, God, religion, all of it. He's a big part of the reason I'm not quite as bitter as I used to be about it all.
Anyway, I guess I'm just here to gloat and tell you all I get to stare into his big blue eyes for an hour or so and listen to him talk about how to live a story with telling, which is what his new book is about. I'm only a few chapters in but I'm already in love (erm, with the book. Not him. Yeah).
PS- I know it may be confusing that I talk about being a Christian and yet tend to curse like a sailor. I feel ya, it's a bit contradictory. This article helps. Possibly a topic for another post. We'll see.
yeah...just saw that the Christian/cussing part of my comment on the next post should have gone on this one! OOPS! :)
But- That author looks like a cuite!! I'll check him out!
Have what ur gonna say planned before ur right there if u get to see him in a meet and greet! I was like a mute when I met David Sedaris... and I started to cry a little afterward cuz I was overwhelmed with meeting him and it had all been a surprise for my b-day.
I would've cried too!
I brought my book for him to sign but there ended up being a LOT of people there and we had somewhere to be afterwards so we just left. The talk was so great though, it was kind of nice to just leave it at that. Because I'm sure I would've made a complete fool of myself in front of him.
He is a seriously fantastic human being. If he was only like 10 years younger... Haha.
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