24 April, 2010

Alison Armstrong

A friend of mine turned me on to this artist a few days ago.  I absolutely love her.  When he said it was "kind of 50's pop art," I was skeptical.  I feel like the genre is really hit or miss with me; but  I was blown away when I visited her website.  Definitely a hit.  When you go to her site, make sure you check out her process.  At first glance she looks like to be a graphic designer but there's so much more to it than that.

These pictures don't do her justice; the colors on the website are stunning.  "City" is my favorite.  Which ones do you like?  One lucky commenter gets one for free.
Just kidding.  I can't even afford the prints, but I would  like to know which ones strike your fancy.

If it wasn't $800, it'd be perfect for a laundry room.

This needs to be in my house immediately.

The colors!  The wings!  I might cry.

1 comment:

Alison Armstrong said...

Sarah - so glad you like my work! Thank you for your kind comments. "City" happens to be my new favorite piece too - I'm hoping the original doesn't sell at the gallery so I can take it home and hang it on my wall...
If you sent me your address I'll send you a print of "City." - Alison Armstrong