I'm going throw something out there...
The Auraria Campus police are bored.
Apparently there aren't enough rapists, murders and pan handlers in this city. No no, they choose to occupy their time sitting... waiting for some poor student who got stuck in traffic and is now running late for their 8:30 class to run that stop sign on 7th and Curtis. And to be fair, I really didn't "run" the stop sign. I gently rolled through it, all the while making sure there were no pedestrians or vehicles in my way. In fact, there was absolutely no one around. Just me and a couple of bored cops who needed to fill their quota for the month. So, because I rolled through a perfectly safe stop sign I now have a 4 point ticket. FOUR POINTS! For a stop sign! Oh the 'rents aren't going to be happy about this. Not at all.
And what's worse, is I kept forgetting to put my new insurance card in my car. So yes, not only do I have a 4 point ticket, but I now also must go to court in December to prove I have insurance. Fabulous. I can't really complain about the insurance thing though. I'll admit, that one was totally my fault.
I have had some terrible car related karma lately. A couple of weeks ago I (now don't judge me, because i feel terrible about it) hit a man with my car. Now as if that isn't bad enough... He was in a wheel chair. Yes, it's true, I hit a disabled man with my car. I'm pretty sure that's my one way ticket to hell. The whole situation was a little funny though, i'll admit. Against all of our suggestions, he picked himself up back into his chair (yes I knocked him completely out of it) and once he heard we call an ambulance he told us to f*** off and quickly rolled away. Leading everyone who stopped to help to believe that he either had a warrant out or had something on him he didn't necessarily want a paramedic or cop to see. So I didn't get in any trouble for that one (luckily) but still, I relive it everyday. My friend Abby and i decided it would be therapeutic for me to write a song about it, so we did. And let me tell you, that's a hit single right there. I'll have to post it soon. I hate to make light of the situation, but it's better than beating myself up over and over again about something I change. So now I drive a little slower, look a little closer, and have yet to hit anymore wheelchairs.
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