I've decided to work 4 ten hour days this week. I'm starting to think that this was a poor choice, but the three day weekend I have to look forward to is really worth the long hours. Thursday night we are going to see The New Frontiers at The Falcon. I'm so excited! First off, The Falcon is a bowling alley AND a music venue. Good God, does it get any better than that? I submit that it does not. And TNF are just a good group of guys. Genny knows them and through her amazing networking skillz, I have become acquainted with the band as well. They have requested a hottubbing session after their set... This night could get interesting, but it’s something much needed since the whole Mikey Brian fiasco. I can turn my attention to some other than MB for once and the best part is that they leave the next day and I can go back to flying solo. Love it! Wow, I sound like a whore. Those of you who know me well know I'm not talking about sexy time. So get your mind out of the gutter and get on the abstinence bus! Ok, now I just sound like a dork.
Speaking of Mikey Brian, haven't heard much from him lately, other than his cursed facebook statuses (stati?) that pop up on my newsfeed. I hate it and I need it all at the same time. I’ve come to understand myself as something of a masochist. I do things and thrive on things that really aren’t good for me, but it’s just my way of working through stuff. Pretty soon I won’t care anymore and I won’t even think to look twice when his name appears on my status list… Facebook is taking over my life.
After work today I am going to go pick up my brand new bike! And by brand new, I mean really really old. But it's brand new to me, and apparently it's neon. And you know me, I'm a fan of anything that showcases the colors of the rainbow. I'll post pictures once I get it! Now if I could only get up to catch the bus, I'll never have to drive again!
My sister is getting married! I am so excited! I am, of course, the maid of honor. I am so happy for her and really believe she and Bryan are going to be so happy. And the best part? His last name is Grizwald! Hahaha. It’s so amazing I could throw up. It’s gotten me to thinking about wedding music and what would be tragically romantic and freakin hilarious to play, you can read that little piece of blogging dribble at http://www.misikal.com/. It hits the web tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out!
Ok, enough plugging. I should get back to work, but I’d like to leave you with this one musical recommendation. Sleeping at Last. Check them out. They’ve got the greatest lyrics, especially if you’re going through a difficult thime. Their words are like a supportive thumbs, saying “you done good kid, and you’re gonna be ok.” They saved me quite a few times, and I think good things like that shouldn’t be kept a secret :)

Ok, enough plugging. I should get back to work, but I’d like to leave you with this one musical recommendation. Sleeping at Last. Check them out. They’ve got the greatest lyrics, especially if you’re going through a difficult thime. Their words are like a supportive thumbs, saying “you done good kid, and you’re gonna be ok.” They saved me quite a few times, and I think good things like that shouldn’t be kept a secret :)
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