Hello everyone :) How's your weekend going? I'm spending mine at my parent's house helping my mom cook for my sister's going away party (she and her husband are moving to North Carolina. I'd be upset if she wasn't moving to such a great place to visit). So far it's been much more relaxing than last weekend which was fun, but packed.
Have you ever played Ghost in the Graveyard? I haven't played since I was about 11 when we were screaming so much we had the cops called. The neighbors thought a dog was being tortured. That gives you some idea of how high pitched my voice used to be (still is?) We decided we needed to bring the game back, got a good group of friends together (and one guy who thinks my name is Ginny Weasely. A story for another time) and went to Denver's biggest park and gave it a go. Let me just say, I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I don't play sports and I was cheerleader (don't judge me), that's about all the athleticism I have. But when it comes to ghost in the graveyard? Watch out! I was on fire. For the first time I felt the rush of competition. I was NOT going to be the ghost, so help me God. I seriously sprinted for 3 hours straight. After the game I couldn't stop. I wanted to see who could jump the farthest off the swing and who could spin the longest on the tire swing before they threw up. No one took these challenges. I haven't the slightest idea why. The next day every muscle in my body was mad at me. Even the arches of my feet were sore. My abs, my legs, my shoulders, everything. Let me just say, it's the best workout ever, because you don't even realize you're working.
A boy that I was absolutely head over heels for a few years ago showed up, to my surprise. He's married now I haven't really spent time with him since they tied the knot. It was awkward, especially she had thrown him out of the house for the night. Yeah.
Another guy that showed up looked and acted just like an old flame we all refer to as Mikey Brian. And another acted and looked like another past love. It was like the night of the resurrected ex boyfriend. Possible inspiration for a horror story. We'll see...
To top off this cluster f*** of old boyfriends, I had coffee with Mr. Long Distance the next day. But I found out he reads this, so that's all I'm going to say about that... For now anyway.
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