Ok my beautiful little writer friends. I need your sage advice. I've been working on this coming of age story for my creative writing class. When I first thought of the idea I was so excited to get started. The idea just walked up and introduced itself to me. I didn't have to sit and ponder and smoke a carton cigarettes and drink a box of wine to work up the courage to tackle it to the ground. I was simply sitting on the light rail, a name popped in my head, then a street sign I had passed earlier with the city she lives in and then it all came naturally from there. Sir Elliot even like the idea when I pitched to him later that day in class.
It was all too perfect. Writing isn't supposed to be that painless! It's supposed to pull you apart inside, trying to find the perfect subject, the perfect heroine, the perfect words to say something that matters to show the world how much you love it.
Well now the pulling apart has begun. I feel like I writing against a brick wall, or a really strong wind blowing against me. The words are forced and I have no idea where I should be going with the story, and I'm only 1000 words in. Have you ever just known, deep down that what you're writing is complete crap? And I'm not trying to get down on myself so you all can tell me how great I am. I'm serious. This stuff I was typing out was complete and utter crap.
So I guess it's a form of writers block. But it's more like the god of creativity has his massive hand pressed against my forehead as I try so hard to walk forward, swinging my fists as I go, and getting no where.
Have any of you felt like this? And how do you get passed it? Any writing exercises or magic voodoo you can recommend? I really don't want to abandon the idea, just the crappy writing that seems to ooze from my fingers these days.
1 comment:
I read this last night and didn't comment, hoping that when I came back today, someone else would have offered something so wise and logical that it would help me out too as well as you.
But no.
I wish I could help you, because that would mean that I would have a solution to my problem. How frustrating is it to have this fanfuckingtastic idea in your head but it just doesn't translate on paper. The dialogue is lame, the setting is so vague and you hate the very same characters that you were besotted with just moments before.
Good luck. xx
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