Hello my pretties. You all look so lovely in the glow of a new decade. I realize I'm five days late in this, but I was in North Carolina to celebrate the new year with my sister and have been attempting to recover ever since (not necessarily from hungover-ness, but more from too-much-family-ness). I'd like to take you all (if for no one's benefit but my own) on a guided tour down my life in last year of the first decade of the second millennium.

1.) 2009 was a really memorable year for me, possibly in a not so good way. I hate to say it but I owe that mostly to Mr. Long Distance. I'd really like to say he was nothing more than small discomfort for a month or so. But I think you can look back at all his tags and know that he was much much more than that. He is how I started the year (literally. He was my New Year's kiss), and even though I've had this blog for longer, that's really the post that started my true blog journey. So maybe I should thank him for that. Or maybe not.
It should go without saying that a goal for 2010... actually I think resolution is appropriate here (despite my annoyance with resolutions). I resolve to let this go, to allow myself think of him less and less every day and be ok with that, to look into the faces of other kind men and not think about him and that he made feel rotten, literally. Roommate has suggested we retire his name completely. She's a very smart lady.
2.) I moved in with this crazy lady (on the left). I've never seen myself living successfully with a roommate but this girl has put up with me marvelously from day one. We butt heads sometimes. I annoy her from time to time and she returns the favor, but when it comes down to it I am so lucky to be cohabitating with her. We've gotten so close that 90% of the time when we're out together people think we're a couple. We're totally ok with that. I'm looking forward to 2010 with her. We have some exciting new ideas that I can barely keep a secret anymore. Look for that in the next few weeks (or months depending on how busy we are).

3.) I spent nine very difficult yet very blessed days in Haiti. I worked with an organization called Heartline Ministries that changed the way I look at the world, religion and the necessity of faith in seemingly hopeless situations. I desperately want to go back but since I've yet to be able to put a dollar into savings since 2008 it doesn't look as if it will be happening anytime soon.

4.) I finished the Harry Potter series for the first time. Is there anything more to say really? You all get what an accomplishment this is. I'm truly obsessed with the wizarding world... and Ron Weasley. So much so my dear friend SP made me a shirt for Christmas that said "I love Gingers."

5.) I gave up social networking for the summer. The best decision I've ever made. I may do it again this year.
6.) I turned 22. That was anticlimactic.

7.) I began my path in gaining a degree in creative writing. It was my first real semester back on campus after taking a year off. I was challenged, to be sure. Sir Elliot tried to wear me down but in the end I came out his class with an A and still wanting to be a writer, more so than ever. Maybe he wasn't such a bad teacher after all? Nah. Here a post that I often look back on and laugh at, though I was pretty miserable in the moment.

8.) I decided to live a good story.
9.) I met a lovely new boy who, in all likelihood, is very much infatuated with one of my best friends. Oomph. (I suppose more on this later).
*the boy in the photograph is not the boy i'm referring to. but he is nice to look at, no?

10.) In about 6 months I will most likely be living in Austin.
Not a shabby year all together I'd say! Thank you all for sharing in it with me. I'm excited to really devote my self even further to the concept of this blog and potentially others soon! Here's to 2010 and the endless opportunities that await us!
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