Ew. Sorry for the Debby Downer post the other day. It's negativity was starting to burn a hole right through me every time I looked at my blog. I was going to take it down but decided everyone has their moments of pouting and that just so happened to be mine, and I posted it for the world to share. You're welcome ;)
Things are better, life is happy again. I got to sleep in today, on a Monday! It doesn't get much better than that. And Olivia (4 y/0) and I are making rice krispie treats. I may be more excited than she is. I'm toying around with a weekly "Nanny Diaries" installment Does that sound interesting at all to anyone, or just cliche?
On a more somber note. I am broke. Disgustingly broke. The worst part about being broke is knowing that there are no expenses you can cut back on and no real extra income that will make a difference. So no trip to Portland and no amazing renovations to my room as of yet. The chalkboard paint will have to wait. *Sigh*

{maybe if i had one of these i'd be better at saving my money}
I've been trying to embrace my "broke-ness," and it seems once you do that, it's a whole other adventure. What activities can you find around the city that are free, what are clever ways to get a free meal, and most importantly, what is more important that money? So many things, so very many things. I've been reading this lovely little blog lately An Experiment in Poverty and it's so inspirational. I think I've been feeling almost ashamed that I don't make as much as a lot of friends, not that they are rolling it in, but still, working part time as a nanny doesn't exactly make my saving account shimmer with new deposits. After reading Jasmine's blog, I realized there's nothing wrong with being broke. You can still be happy, you can still live a wonderful life and you can even write really great things about it! No worries, I will not be stealing her ingenious idea for a blog, although I do wish I had thought of it first. Just kidding... sort of. I am going to start writing about some of my tips for leading a "fabulously frugal lifestyle" from time to time, but we're in a recession so who isn't! Any tips from you lovely readers is greatly appreciated as well.
TIP #1: For you Denverites, there is free yoga at the Pavilion in Cheesman park every Wednesday at 6:30. I haven't been because I was busy last week but I plan on going this week. I did drive by however and the instructor, Jason, is incredibly hunky and has a kick ass mohawk, one of those thick, longish ones that goes all the way down the back of his head. Yeah. Good stuff.

{not quite like this guy, but he's nice to look at all the same}
I think embracing brokeness is a good thing...and its too bad that we as a society didn't do it earlier, or else we might be in better financial and environmental shape :)
What a fantastic post!
(and I love Jasmine's blog too)
p.s. I was a nanny and want to be a writer also!
Let's be friends :)
Perfect! Yes, let's be friends! Checked out your blog, and loved it. Thanks for finding me :)
love this! did you know i was a nanny too?!?
i'm glad i could inspire you a little bit. :)
Hello. And Bye.
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