Well I cheated on the social networking sobriety experiment. I fell off the wagon. Alcohol mixed with a little bit of loneliness led me to snoop on Mr. Long Distance. Bad choice. Turns out he's been talking to many many ladies, one of which he's bringing to Denver with him in August and I'm sure I'll have the pleasure of meeting her. I am SO excited. And if sarcasm doesn't translate well in written text, let me tell you flat out, I am not excited at all.
The whole point of changing my myspace and facebook passwords was to avoid this kind of inevitable discovery. But of course, I am a obsessive snoop, so I found a way around the system. Turns out you can still look people up without actually logging in. I have a serious problem. Quirkeyalone has a whole chapter on it, Romantic Obsession I believe they call it, which makes me feel a bit better, knowing other people are just as bad. Is there any way to block websites? That may be the only way I can cut this behavior off all together.
{image found here. and if i was there now, i would have no need for social networking. maybe that's the answer}
Facebook can leave a lot to be desired when dealing with relationships!
Oh, bum :( Today's technology has made it so easy for us to torture ourselves.
Hope it gets better.
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