2) When my mother told me she never really slept again after my sister and I were born, I thought she was being over dramatic. She was telling the truth. It's impossible to truly go into a deep sleep when at any moment you know someone may need you to change the sheets or scare away a monster.
3) You can try to be as creative as possible with making them snacks, but in the end they'll still prefer string cheese over anything else.
4) What they say about cardboard boxes is true. Endless entertainment.
5) You won't find anyone else that equally evokes so much love and drives you absolutely nuts.
6) Four year olds can do the dishes pretty darn well, if given the chance. Actually, in general, kids can do some amazing things if given the chance.
7) Taylor Swift is like crack for little girls.
8) Despite that (or maybe because of it) when they start dancing passionately to Coldplay or asking to hear the Regina Spektor song one more time, your heart will love them a little more for it.
9) You will not find a better accessory than the ones they make for you
10) A laundry room can be a house, goggles can be a super hero uniform, a tree can become a distant kingdom, a swing is an airplane, and this world is so much more than we, adults, think we, see. Imagination changes everything.
love this
especially 7
because it's so true
I love this post, I love your blog, and I am so excited to read more! There we have it :) xo
I love the post and pic.
It's so true, kids see so much more then we adults do. I wish I was 4 again!!!
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