{found here}
I love school supplies. It's really unhealthy actually. I have piles and piles of barley full notebooks lying around. I tend to stop taking notes/actually going to class about half way through the semester. But, rather than reusing them term after term, I give into the desire for blank pages, unsharpened pencils and ball point pens.

I went to Target tonight to stock up, and had a hard time deciding between
the Hannah Montana/Zack Afron/ Twilig
ht paraphernalia. So instead I went for the way cute recycled collection. A little more pricey, but us college kids can swing it right? Well no, we can't, but never-the-less I went the eco friendly route this year. Hopefully the cast of HSM3 can forgive me.
I also got these today from Etsy. I almost bought a lunch box but refrained. After all these years I'm learning...

At least maybe I'll look smart and well prepared and that will transcend via mitosis into my brain cells keeping me motivated all semester long. See? I'm sounding intelligent already :)
haha... okay, you're sounding s o intellegent with all those mitosis talk, stop it already, haha... I don't understand :d
and those are cute etsy found! D: but then, what's not cute in etsy? haha
haha. I know! I have to keep myself from buying everything that pops up there! I love that it's home made too. There's a great sense of community in that I think, even though the bag is from Singapore! I couldn't believe it was coming from that far away :) I'm so excited for it to arrive!
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