02 December, 2008

Day 2: Not So Bad

I think I can really do this. Amazingly, I'm not tired, I have no headache, I have plenty of energy and my mind is totally clear. Mostly all my cravings are gone and I'm rarely hungry. At this point the only reason I want to eat is because I get bored and being able to pin point that has seemed to help. I made of list of things to do when I'm getting restless and I'm slowly checking it off.

I had to have a bite of pasta though today while I was nannying. AJ (the mom) was still there and made lunch for me as well. I managed to hold off as long as possible before she left but it was unavoidable. I should've just told her what I was doing this week but oh well, what are you going to do? It was one piece of pasta... delcious cheesey pasta. I don't think the hunger will be the hardest part of the 10 days, I think the boredom of the lemonade/lack of variety is going to get to me. The salt water in the morning sucks too, as does getting up at 5 to get everything together before work.

One day at a time...

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