26 October, 2009

Writing Against a Brick Wall

Ok my beautiful little writer friends. I need your sage advice. I've been working on this coming of age story for my creative writing class. When I first thought of the idea I was so excited to get started. The idea just walked up and introduced itself to me. I didn't have to sit and ponder and smoke a carton cigarettes and drink a box of wine to work up the courage to tackle it to the ground. I was simply sitting on the light rail, a name popped in my head, then a street sign I had passed earlier with the city she lives in and then it all came naturally from there. Sir Elliot even like the idea when I pitched to him later that day in class.

It was all too perfect. Writing isn't supposed to be that painless! It's supposed to pull you apart inside, trying to find the perfect subject, the perfect heroine, the perfect words to say something that matters to show the world how much you love it.

Well now the pulling apart has begun. I feel like I writing against a brick wall, or a really strong wind blowing against me. The words are forced and I have no idea where I should be going with the story, and I'm only 1000 words in. Have you ever just known, deep down that what you're writing is complete crap? And I'm not trying to get down on myself so you all can tell me how great I am. I'm serious. This stuff I was typing out was complete and utter crap.

So I guess it's a form of writers block. But it's more like the god of creativity has his massive hand pressed against my forehead as I try so hard to walk forward, swinging my fists as I go, and getting no where.

Have any of you felt like this? And how do you get passed it? Any writing exercises or magic voodoo you can recommend? I really don't want to abandon the idea, just the crappy writing that seems to ooze from my fingers these days.

19 October, 2009

New Music Monday: I'm Being Lame

Oh shit. It's Monday. I'm supposed to suggest something musical for you, because my taste in music is clearly superior to anyone else's (for the record I'm jamming to Battlefield by Jordin Sparks right now. Irony?) But, much to your dismay I'm sure, I have a test to study for and I can hardly keep my eyes open as it is. So you're just going to have to get by with this:

15 October, 2009

A Chihuahua named Michael Angelo

That is a pretty accurate description of how I feel after my creative writing class every day. Found it here.

Any advice as to how one would write a coming of age story in 550 words or less? I'd like to go all Holden Caulfield on this assignment, but not in 550 words less. I don't even know where to start with this. I came up with this beginning in class today, but Sir Eliot wasn't amused.

"The first time I heard Heartbreak World by Matt Nathanson, I was watching a train go by, wondering if I should climb aboard or throw myself under it. I'm pretty sure God decided to talk to me that day."

It needs work, obviously. But I didn't think it was quite as wretched as Sir Eliot did.

I so do not want to suck up to this guy, but turns out he was the fiction editor for some fancy shmancy literary magazine and he's got contact info and clout... for the right student of course. All this time I thought he was just some washed up poet and I never hid my eye rolls and heavy sighs. And now he literally detests me and anything I write. Today he was seriously offended that I suggested we name the chihuahua (for a writing exercise) Michael Angelo (yes I know it's spelled wrong. It's part of the silliness). I mean, come on, that's funny. Right?

14 October, 2009

You Got It, or, The Words To End A Love Story

Oh I so do not want to write this. But, dear readers, I’ve promised the end, now I guess I have to deliver. And maybe it’ll be cathartic. Whatever.

Mr. Long Distance and I “broke up” in April. I use quotations because I suppose we were never officially together in the first place. It was that conversation that started the decline, when I decided I’d ask him how he’d feel about making me an honest woman and start referring to me as his girlfriend. He said he didn’t feel like we should broadcast our relationship like that, since we lived so far apart. Looking back it reminds me of that scene in A Walk to Remember where Mandy Moore says to Shane West “so you want to be secret friends” and then slams the door.

But I did slam some doors I suppose. My subconscious took over when I started to repeatedly say “it’s fine! It’s much better this way.” Despite my desperate attempts to convince myself this was true I was building walls all over the place. And thus started the vicious cycle. I withdrew, he withdrew, I withdrew more because he withdrew, and on and on.

Which brings us to April. We drove around my neighborhood both saying everything but the inevitable and obvious. He made excuses about the peace corps and something about sports and me not liking them, I told him I felt like I inconvenienced him whenever it was just the two of us and that he doesn’t seem to care much about my friends or my family despite the effort I put into his. He apologized and I said maybe I’d try out soccer (that was a lie). Then we sat in silence. Knowing that no matter how much soccer i attempted or how much quality time he tried to give me, there was no saving our situation. Then one of us finally said it, I can’t remember which one, but I think the words were “take some time off from each other,” or something ridiculously open ended like that. I think both of us were hoping that maybe in another time and place this could work, so “taking some time off” sounded better than “let’s break up.”

I dropped him off, went home and cried. And cried. Oh and then I cried some more. Then I stopped, ate some dinner, and he called me. He had just gotten back to South Dakota and... wanted to shoot the shit. I was confused and angry. I cut the conversation short and brooded about why he would want to pretend all was normal so soon. He wanted his cake and to eat it too. A few days later I got an email from him saying something about wanting to stay friends and that I’m one of his best friends. If I may offer you some advice, please, no matter how much you can’t stand not having that someone in your life, under no circumstances go this route. It may seem like the most comfortable way to break up with someone but when it comes down to it, it’s the most self destructive thing you can do. I spent the next few months pretending I was moving on, all the while keeping him in the back of my mind. Knowing that he was there felt safe and comfortable. If no one noticed me at a bar one night (or every night), it wouldn’t matter, because I knew that I had LD, even if the details weren’t the same. All of that is all well and good, as long as that other person stays single.

Ah, but the perfection of a self destructive relationship can’t last forever. Mr. Long Distance came for a visit in August. I met him for coffee at St. Marks. I had an iced chai and he had an iced coconut breve, his signature drink and disgusting, if you ask me. He greeted me like we saw each other just the other evening. He was so nonchalant it was sickening and disconcerting. I gave him a birthday present (a used copy of the poem The Sword and the Stone, his favorite movie), we talking for maybe 45 minutes and he left, leaving me with the impression I would be seeing him again during his visit. The only time I heard from him was a drunk text message and an description of how much fun he was having. The next thing I knew he was back home, uploading pictures of his trip. The last photo was one of him back in South Dakota next a beautiful girl with dark eyes. I know I’ve been a bit, oh what’s the word... paranoid about him and other girls in the past, but something in me just knew that this girl wasn’t like the others. And so, rather than be forced to watch their inevitable relationship progress, I decided to be proactive and remove him and the pain he was causing me.

I sent him a slightly vague email saying I would be deleting him from my facebook and myspace and to please respect the fact that I couldn’t have him in my life anymore. I even asked him to stop reading my blog. Obviously I have no way of knowing if he did that last bit, so if you’re still reading, HI CHARLES! Oh woops, first name slipped out there.

I told him that if he had any questions or anything he wanted to say to me, I wanted to hear it and that he should email me back. His response? “You got it.” I honestly wasn’t expecting him to respond at all, but those three words hurt more than not hearing anything. That’s what I mean to him, “you got it.” Or, in other words, absolutely nothing.

A few weeks later, while on vacation in Iowa I was trying to write my first poem due in my creative writing class. It had to be about a person and had to involve hands. My mind jumped straight to his hands, the way they felt in mine, smooth and brown. So, strictly for research purposes I hopped over to his myspace url which was so kindly still stored in my browser. And there they were, the very thing I didn’t want to see. Pictures of him and that girl. Kissing, hugging, laughing, happy. Happier than he ever looked with me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that before. Some weird combination of anger, despair, and self loathing. She was the antithesis to me. Athletic looking, dark skinned, dark hair, dark eyes, naturally beautiful. Like she rolled out of bed looking like a fucking volleyball goddess.

I have since come leaps and bounds from despair and self loathing, but the anger has been slow to leave. I can say that I don’t hate him anymore, but I’m not quite to the point of forgiveness. I think mostly because if I forgive him, I’ll have to let him go completely and I really don’t want to do that. It’s harder to stay angry though as the emotions are dwindling. He had every right to start dating again, and I sincerely don’t believe there was ever any overlap between the two of us. I just wish he could’ve told me about her. If he had been brave, he could’ve been honest when we had coffee and said there was someone he was interested in. I think I deserved that much, and had I heard it from him instead of myspace, I probably wouldn’t have lost weeks and weeks to sadness. I hate the way he made me feel about myself, or maybe that I let him make me feel that way, worthless and ugly through and through.

On a few weird notes, a few days after I sent him the email, Roommate showed me his facebook status. It said something like “looks like you deleted my from facebook and myspace. My virtual feelings are crushed. Let’s grow up.” Based on that and his response to the email, I’m wondering if he ever actually read it.

I also heard from my friend Gia that he would email or text her occasionally about me. One was right before he came to visit this last time. He asked if she saw me much anymore, she said not as much as she’d like and he responded “yeah, I feel the same.” He certainly didn’t show it while he was here. He also emailed her after I sent him the email saying I freaked out or something and if she knew anything about it. Apparently he was too afraid or passive aggressive to ask me himself. The only thing he could muster was “you got it.”

So there you have it, the saga is complete.


If you want to follow the story from the beginning here are the posts in order:

In The Beginning

A New Year, A New Love, A New Loss

This is Not A Love Story, This is a Story About Love

PS- That was kind of cathartic

13 October, 2009

A Rare Moment of Personal Affirmation

I love to write. I really do. This is one of those rare moments where my heart's nodding in agreement, that this isn't just what I do, it's what I love, and who I'll be for the rest of my life. And, for today at least, that's not the least bit scary. It's really exciting.

12 October, 2009

New Music Monday: Gregory Alan Isakov

Today I present you with a local gem, Gregory Alan Isokov. He's very much reminiscent of Josh Ritter and the like. Love the name, love the voice, love the face.

Hope you're enjoying you Monday and that Mr. Isokov can make it a bit more cheerful.

11 October, 2009


Today, I would like to:

Eat This
{recipe here}

Read This

Watch This

Play in These

but instead

I'm doing this

C'est la vie.

10 October, 2009


This is what's happening outside my window currently. If I can get out of my obligations today and stay inside with some hot chocolate and Christmas music, I will definitely be ok with this. If I have to go outside though, I'll be pouting. Yep, like a 5 year old.
In other news, Sir Eliot gave me a compliment Thursday. I know I shouldn't crave his approval, but the fact that he's so horribly discouraging makes me pine for just one word of affirmation. Well I got it. He was reading a prose poem I'm working on (this proves that prose > than poetry, for me at least) and told me I had amazing imagery. Huzzah!

Right after that I hopped on the light rail to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (school bag and all) and saw Wicked. It wasn't as good as the first time I saw it a few years ago but, come on, it's Wicked. Of course it's going to be amazing. Defying Gravity made me cry and I really wish they would reprise it at the end.

This time around I realized just how many themes and the extent of the social commentary it has. That paired with the hilarious dialogue, the costumes (oh my we were so close and we could see the detail. They were amazing!) and of course the incredible music, this has got to be one of the best musicals... ever. Yep, bold statement but I'm standing by it. Afterwards we went across the street to this restaurant called The Corner Office for dessert. All of the sudden my mom whispers "that's the wizard!" And sure enough, the wizard and the rest of the cast strolled in for drinks. We left them alone, despite my mother's protests, but it was still very cool to sit that close to the wizard.

Last night I saw Bright Star. It's about John Keats and his muse, Fanny Brawne. I really wanted to love this movie. I did love individual pieces. The costumes were amazing. The guy that played Keats, he could read me the phone book and I would swoon. There were some amazing scenes with wonderful acting. But as a whole, the story was lacking something and I'm not sure I know what it is. I think it just wasn't told very well. Characters weren't introduced to the audience properly and the rising action wasn't presented well. The climax though... yeah it's good. Despite it's shortcomings I definitely recommend it. The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. Here's the trailer and some stills:

09 October, 2009

Very Recent Happenings

Tonight I went to this.
It was fantastic.
And I had a brownie sundae with the cast afterwards.
Well, ok, they were just at the same restaurant, but still. The sundae was delicious.

Tomorrow I'm doing this.
I hope to share a sundae with a monkey.
Preferably at the same table.

07 October, 2009

It Finally Found Me

Someone just threw up in the campus library.
Many times and very vocally.
I wanted to share with everyone so you'll understand
my absence
when I inevitably get effing swine flu.

06 October, 2009

Breathe in Deep and Be Inspired

A few midwives that are friends of mine are living in Haiti right now and posting all sorts of pictures of births they're doing. Around May I seriously got to thinking about studying to become a midwife. I talked to my friend Lisa who just moved to Haiti, she gave me the number of a guru, I called her, set up some time to assist in pre natal visits at the end of August... and then summer came. I don't know what it was really, my summer wasn't particularly exciting, but I got distracted. I hardly thought about midwifery all summer, I didn't read the books I was supposed to and I totally blew off the guru when August came. I felt bad about blowing her off, but I figured if I hadn't thought about it all summer, it must not be that into the idea.

But looking at these pictures, seeing the work these strong, amazing and beautiful women are doing, the example they're setting for other women is seriously inspiring. And not inspiring in the way that makes me want to write a check or say a prayer. Inspiring in a way that makes my chest hurt because I'm not doing it.

For the past year I've been searching for ways to incorporate the only two things I really want in life:
  1. Help people, especially abroad (Haiti, Africa, Eastern Europe)
  2. Write
As I'm reading Donald Miller's book about living a story worth telling, he keeps saying that the essence of a story is a character that wants something and over comes obstacles to get it. Now that I know what I want, I'm just waiting for the obstacles. Specificity is the big one staring me down right now. How do I want to help people? Midwifery? Starting a non profit? Therapeutic writing programs? There are infinite possibilities, and daunting as it may be, there are worse obstacles to be faced with I suppose. And how will I incorporate writing? I have no plan right now and I feel like I'm biding my time until graduation. In essence, I'm not living a very good story.

Now that Mr. Long Distance has removed himself from my life and the distractions he brought with him, my new goal is to work on living a good story. Something someone might want to write down someday, or might mean something to someone when they close the back cover, tighten their grasp around the binding and put the pages to their nose. You know, the way you do when you know a story has changed where you're going and what you know about life. I want people to tighten their fingers around my life and hold it to their nose. Breathe in deep and feel inspired.

05 October, 2009

New Music Monday: Autumn and Pandora

The leaves are turning amber, the kids are stomping on crunchy leaves (ok, so am I) and I'd really love a pair of boots that look a sweater. That being said, here is my Fall Pandora station which I love love LOVE. Just click here.

{photos from here and here}

02 October, 2009

Going To See This Fella Tonight

Today is a good day. Much better than yesterday's ranting and ravings. My beautiful and wonderful roommate got us free tickets to see my author crush tonight, Donald Miller. He wrote Through Painted Deserts, Searching for God Knows What, and Blue Like Jazz. He pretty much changed my view on church, God, religion, all of it. He's a big part of the reason I'm not quite as bitter as I used to be about it all.

Anyway, I guess I'm just here to gloat and tell you all I get to stare into his big blue eyes for an hour or so and listen to him talk about how to live a story with telling, which is what his new book is about. I'm only a few chapters in but I'm already in love (erm, with the book. Not him. Yeah).

PS- I know it may be confusing that I talk about being a Christian and yet tend to curse like a sailor. I feel ya, it's a bit contradictory. This article helps. Possibly a topic for another post. We'll see.

01 October, 2009

May Be Pan Handling Soon

Don't let that pretty picture of the skinny girl twirling in the sunlight deceive you. This is not going to be a cheerful post. Remember how I swore this blog would not turn into a black hole where all my frustrations and negativity would come to lay their sweet little heads? Yeah well fuck it. I'm in a bad mood... again.

But before we get into it, I'll hold up my end of the deal:

There ya go. I hope that made you all fuzzy inside because I'm quite sure those delicious and adorable/ridiculous cupcakes (and the fact that they are not right in front of me to help induce a sugar coma) are pissing me off even more. And that DRESS?? Good Lord it's beautiful. With taxes and shipping and it's more than $400. Where does Anthropologie get off charging that much for their shit? Granted it's beautiful shit, but can someone please explain to me what makes that dress, and it's serious lack of fabric, worth $400?

Speaking of money... Fuck this recession. Let me tell you a story.

My boss came home yesterday in a bit of a tizzy. She and her husband own their own business. I don't totally understand it but basically the go to foreclosed homes and perform evictions and clean out the houses for the banks. Maybe. I usually just nod my head and say "hmm" and "ah" when she talks about it. The one thing I DO understand is that they're barely holding their heads above water. A while ago she gave me my check and told me the next day that that if I cashed it, it would most likely bounce. That was a low point. After that little episode I heard less and less about money and business problems and assumed things were on the up and up. I mean, I'm the fucking babysitter, I'm supposed to be concerned about the glue supply and whether or not we have colored pasta for the macaroni necklaces we're making Tuesday. I wasn't going to go out of my way to hear how close I came to not getting a pay check on any given month.

So anyway, back to yesterday. My boss comes home and says "We can't pay our rent at the office so we're moving out and not telling the land lord." Raise your hand if you think that's an AWESOME idea! She may have the business degree and I may only be a lowly creative writing major, but I'm pretty sure this plan is going to back fire at some point. Backfire as in lawsuit. And if they can't pay their rent, how the hell are they going to afford a lawyer and a settlement?? I suppose they could just let their nanny go and save about $1000 a month.

Who would like to guess where they are relocating since they're backing out of their lease and not operating out of an office now? If you guessed their home, you'd be right! Yes, folks, my boss will be setting up an office in the living room and her husband and three other guys will be moving into the garage. The garage isn't such a big deal, as long as they stay out there and don't come in and mess with the kids. I'm foreseeing a lot of tears and interruptions. The living room situation, though, is absolutely NOT going to work. This house is tiny. Basically the only place those kids have to play is the living room. So my homework for the weekend is to figure out how to not be home as much as possible.

I was driving to school today and thinking, could I just let them go? Could I move on to a new family, with a steady job (do those exist these days?) and a normal living situation. I could let my bosses go. It would be sad, but I could. Adults are easy to move on from. But then those little faces started to pop up in my mind and I realized there is not way in hell I can quit. It would be like driving away from my own children. I've been with them for almost a year and even those they drive me effing batty, I love them more than I've loved anybody. It's so weird and I've never realized it until today when the thought of having to leave them, not see them everyday, left me crying on the freeway.

But all of that means nothing if their company goes bankrupt and they have to end up paying legal fees, oh and I'd be out of a job. Fuck this recession.

PS- When I left today, after getting a crash course in what my new life and schedule with the kids is going to be, my boss said "And you're going to have to start taking the trash out on Thursdays because we can't remember. We have to all start pitching in." Oh, sure, when I'm not making sure your kids aren't killing themselves, are culturally enriched and engaged, and well fed, vacuuming the nooks and crannies, cleaning the ever-destroyed kitchen, doing all of the laundry (yes even the adult's underwear and sexy time clothes), then I would LOVE to take out a trash can that is twice my size and in a spot where you have to cross treacherous terrain to get it out to the curb. Seriously, a line has to be drawn somewhere, right?