05 October, 2009

New Music Monday: Autumn and Pandora

The leaves are turning amber, the kids are stomping on crunchy leaves (ok, so am I) and I'd really love a pair of boots that look a sweater. That being said, here is my Fall Pandora station which I love love LOVE. Just click here.

{photos from here and here}


E said...

Alright missus, you completely disappeared from my 'blogs you are following' thingymajiggy for a few days and when I clicked on your link, blogger told me your blog didn't exist. Turns out blogger is a bare-faced liar because, well, you're right here. (I eventually realised you had changed your thingymajiggy and I am now doing the appropriate following)

So. Great few posts! I like the contradiction in the previous post. I'm also wondering when we get the next installment in the Mr LD saga?

Unknown said...

oh crap! i was worried that would happen! it was "memoires of a scenester" and... well I came up with it many moons ago and am not, infact, a scenester, never was. It was a little embarassing. Shoot. Hopefully everyone else will figure it out too. I hope!

Oh Mr LD. I actively avoiding writing it. So much so I'm actually doing my homework rather than writing it. That's serious. Haha. It'll come soon, hopefully!

E said...

Heck, I love that first picture :)

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