10 April, 2010

All for the Love of Harry

{i imagine this is what my mind looks like.  found here}

For the past three days I've been noticing a remarkable amount of tweed jackets, dark rimmed glasses and laptop bags being toted around near our convention center downtown.  I didn't think much of it other than to steal some second glances at the dashing young men in their corduroy pants.

Turns out they're all hear for the AWP Conference- The Association of Writers and Writing Programs.  I found out today- the last day of the conference.  Why didn't I know about this?  Why wasn't there some heads up from one of my creative writing professors.  I'd like to think that's what they're here for but perhaps I'm mistaken- perhaps my tuition dollars should instead go to them ignoring my emails and not giving me back my portfolios; because that's been my experience thus far.

I am beyond frustrated right now.  The conference is in a different region of the US every year; it will never be this accessible again.  I was looking at the event list and had to click away before I really started to get upset.  Instead of listening how to make the most of a creative writing degree, market myself efficiently, and workshop pieces relating to the "fantastic" I'm sitting in a cafe about a block away from the lucky bastards that do.  Currently, I'm taking notes on how to read a topographical map.  The very thought is so infuriating.  I am stressed out, not writing, and completely bogged down by assignments and papers that will never ever get me to where I want to be in life.

It's enough to make me drop out of school again.  But my parents said if I graduate they'll take me to Harry Potter World.  So... obviously I'm staying.

PS- Literally the moment I put the last period on this post this the power went.  Meaning I had no access to the internet and no way to continue to do my bloody homework.  The only thing left for me to do- write write write.  Thanks universe!


E said...

Poo bum shit. That's enough to make you want to chuck it all in, for sure. But don't. You're a good writer.

Katie McCoach said...

Wow. i would have made a scene or something. The writers conference! RIGHT THERE! that's such a big deal and im sorry thats not making you feel better but man that stinks! that's something that would happen to me too. I cant believe your teachers didn't give you guys heads up, even my teacher last semester told us about that conference! I actually really wanted to go but school and family vacations prevented that. I'm definitely going to one within the next year or two - i hope there is another within good distance again. and ha, i love harry. I just made my sister swap books with me so i could get the 7th back to read it this summer. I cant wait! my family all went to universal last week in hopes of the harry potter stufff and it still wasnt opened yet! and yet they raised the tickets price for it. we are all hoping to make another attempt in november. I wanna walk down diagon alley!