10 July, 2009

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge

I just registered for classes!  For most, this is a very non-exciting event, possibly met with groans for yet another stretch of being force-fed subjects that have nothing to do with your passions.  But I haven't been in an actual classroom for about 2 years so I'm pretty excited.  Of course the novelty is sure to wear off once the homework and papers start piling up, but I don't care.  I'm just reveling in the excitement the prospect of new knowledge brings, and thinking about school supplies.  Oh how I love school supplies!
{wonderful notebooks found here on Etsy}

1 comment:

RCaitlin said...

Glad you're excited! I have a love/hate relationship with school. I too feel excited at the beginning. I think my happiness ends with the first homework assignment hahaha.