14 January, 2010

Shake the Dust

Heavy and Light started a year ago after the death of Casey Calvert from Hawthorne Heights. It's a concert put on by To Write Love on Her Arms who's aim is to bring awareness and support to those suffering from addiction, depression and self injury.

This is a video of Anis Mojgani, two time National Slam Poetry champion, from Heavy and Light.

This has inspired me so much on many different levels. I've been hearing so much about the pain in Haiti as well as the great sense of community that has arisen out of the tragedy. That coupled with these really encouraging and affirming videos from Heavy and Light has made my heart feel like it might explode at any moment.

I promise not to bug you too much with this, but as I read more from my friends in Haiti and how very much they need help, I have to ask you to please consider donating to Heartline by clicking the paypal button below or the link on the side of the page.

"So grab this world by its clothes pin and shake it out again and again. And jump on top and take it for a spin. And when you hop off, shake it again. For this is yours... Walk into it, breathe it in, let it crash through the halls of your arms like millions of years and millions of poets coursing like blood, pumping and pushing, making you live, shaking the dust. When the world comes knocking at your front door, clutch the knob tightly and open on up. And run forward into its widespread, greeting arms with your hands in front of you, finger tips trembling though they may be."


C. Alderete said...

I saw Anis Mojgani recite that piece here in Austin once. I'd never heard of him and didn't know what to expect. It was quite moving.

Sarah said...

I'd love to see him perform some day. He's incredibly inspiring.