28 June, 2009

Planning Ahead

{found here}
My birthday is in a little less than a month!  I will be turning 22.  Not the most exciting birthday year, but I'll take any chance to celebrate, especially if we're celebrating me ;)

I've been trying to think what I want to do.  I've pretty much settled against throwing a party because a) I feel weird throwing myself a party.  A little self righteous no? and b) I have a very strong fear that no one will show up.  This happened to me when I turned 16 (of ALL the birthdays, my sweet sixteen) and I believe it has scared me for life.

So I'm turing to my blog friends because you are a creative and fun bunch.  I'm looking for a bit of an adventure, maybe a daycation that a group can join in on.  I may just settle for the typical bar meet-up but that just feels so cliche.  I'm turning 22, I'm too young to be cliche just yet.  So my questions to you:

What was your favorite birthday and what did you do?
Do you have any fun, adventurous ideas to ring in my twenty second year?

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